Paramount student named Edison Scholar

Courtesy photo Kayla Bullard, a senior at Odyssey STEM Academy, poses with local officials to mark her joining the ranks of Edison Scholars. The $50,000 scholarship will allow her to pursue a master’s degree in mechanical engineering.

At the May 9 Paramount City Council meeting, the council celebrated Kayla Bullard, a senior at Odyssey STEM Academy, who was recently named an Edison Scholar and will receive a $50,000 college scholarship. The Edison program presents only 30 scholarships each year to students pursuing studies in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). Kayla will be attending Harvey Mudd where she plans to earn a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her goal is to provide disabled individuals with safer ways to commute and travel. She has already used her 3D modeling and printing skills to create and design parts for an electric skateboard to help people with leg disabilities be more mobile.