City to consider moratorium on evictions at April 7 council meeting


Gov. Newsom recently issued eviction moratorium by executive order

The Paramount City Council considered a moratorium on evictions for commercial tenants in town at its meeting on April 7. Details from the meeting were not available at the Journal’s editorial deadline.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom on March 27 issued an executive order banning the enforcement of eviction orders for renters affected by COVID-19 through May 31, 2020. (See page 3 for the text of the Newsom’s executive order.)

The order prohibits landlords from evicting tenants for nonpayment of rent and prohibits enforcement of evictions by law enforcement or courts. It also requires tenants to notify the landlord in writing, no more than seven days after the rent comes due, that the tenant cannot pay all or part of their rent due to COVID-19.

The tenant would also be required to retain documentation proving their inability to pay, but not required to submit it to the landlord in advance. The tenant would remain obligated to repay full rent in a timely manner and could still face eviction after the enforcement moratorium is lifted. The order took effect immediately.