L.A County trails ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’

File art courtesy of Metro Creative Connection

Courtesy of city of Paramount

Los Angeles County reopened previously closed trails and parks on Saturday, May 9. And while many had the opportunity to return to the great outdoors for a little physical and mental self-care, the County reminds residents that physical distancing, face coverings, and avoiding gatherings are a must!

Help keep LA County trails open by following these Do’s & Don’ts:


Prepare before you visit a trail. Check with the park in advance, know which areas or services are open, and bring what you need with you. You can find the latest trail re-opening information at https://trails.lacounty.gov/.

Follow all park, trail or nature preserve rules, regulations and any posted access restrictions.

Stay at least 6 feet from others who are not members of your household at all times. This might make some open areas, trails, and paths better to use than others. Avoid crowded areas. Everyone needs a face covering at the trailhead/ parking lots and on any trails where there are other groups of people nearby.

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

Pack out all trash.


Don’t use trails that you know are crowded. If you can’t stay 6 feet away from others that are not part of your household, choose a different trail.

If you are on a trail and notice a crowd ahead of you turn back. If it is unavoidable, be sure to wear your cloth face covering as you pass by and do not stop to gather or converse with other groups.

Don’t leave your home if you are sick with a fever or respiratory symptoms or are currently under isolation or quarantine.

Do not gather in groups or linger at any one location except as needed for brief rests.

Do not share food or water while out on the trails.

To map out your hike, find a family-friendly hike or for information on incline levels, visit trails.lacounty.gov.