Social distancing required in city parks

File artwork by Metro Creative Connection

For parks in Paramount, physical distancing of 6 feet must be maintained at all times when engaging in activities.

At this time, team and contact sports such as basketball, baseball, soccer, and football that are held on park fields, in open areas, and on courts are not permitted because of the challenge of maintaining the distancing, although members of the same household may engage in such activities and sports together.

Salud Park has re-opened with limited hours and certain restrictions until further notice.

Hours are 8 a.m. to noon and 4 to 8 p.m., seven days a week. Use of the park falls under current L.A. County health restrictions, and individuals must abide by the posted restrictions.

Allowable park usage includes individual exercise and the walking path in one direction only.

Usage not allowed includes group activities/sports and outdoor gym stations.

Please keep in mind that you must maintain six-foot social distancing and wear a face mask while in the park. The portable restroom will remain closed.

Salud Park is located at 7167 Somerset Blvd.