March is American Red Cross Awareness Month in Paramount

Courtesy photo Red Cross representatives pose with Paramount City Council members.

The Paramount City Council proclaimed March as American Red Cross Awareness Month at its March 1 meeting. The city has a strong partnership with the Greater Long Beach, Rio Hondo, South Bay Chapter and encourages everyone to support it however you can. Mayor Brenda Olmos noted that one of the most important things the Red Cross does is conducting blood drives and that, now, when blood donations are so needed due to the pandemic, blood bank supplies are at their lowest levels in decades. She suggested that maybe the best way to honor the Red Cross was to donate blood. It’s safe and it saves lives. Go to to learn more. At the meeting to accept the proclamation were Nedan Rambo, Disaster Program Manager with the local chapter, and Paramount resident Dr. Linda Timmons, a Red Cross volunteer. From left: Vice Mayor Vilma Cuellar Stallings, Mayor Brenda Olmos, Rambo, Dr. Timmons, Councilmember Peggy Lemons, and Councilmember Isabel Aguayo.