Local college district approves budget for 2019-2020

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The Compton Community College District Board of Trustees recently approved the college district’s 2019-2020 Final Budget. The budget may be viewed online at: http://www.compton.edu/district/district_budget/docs/CCCD-Final-Budget_2019-2020.pdf.

The budget is based upon the information currently available from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. The 2019-2020 CCCD Final Budget was developed to achieve a goal of 5,980 Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES). Compton College will offer 1,335 course sections to meet this FTES goal.

The 2019-2020 Compton District Final Budget includes a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) of 3.26%; filling seventeen faculty positions, four classified positions, and three management positions; future funding for the Compton College Enterprise Resource Planning system cost of $2,500,000; future funding for the Compton College Fire Academy of $350,000; and the future cost associated with the Compton District Personnel Commission of $300,000.

Finally, the 2019-2020 Compton District Final Budget includes the following expenses to address Compton District’s long-term liabilities: Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) payment of $1,250,000; California Public Entity Pension Stabilization Fund State Teachers’ Retirement (STRS)/Public Employees’ Retirement (PERS) fund payment of $1,000,000 to address future STRS/PERS obligations; and the line of credit repayment of $1,181,841.

The proposed 2019-2020 Compton District Final Budget maintains a reserve above the minimum 10% level as required by Compton Community College District Board Policy 6200.

“We are focused on ensuring Compton College remains fiscally solvent,” Dr. Deborah LeBlanc, CCCD Board of Trustees President.

About the Compton Community College District

Board meetings are usually held the third Tuesday of each month and are open to the public. The District is located at 1111 E. Artesia Boulevard, Compton, CA 90221.