Congresswoman attends in Paramount Military Ball

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (third from left) greets the Paramount City Council, including (left to right) Councilwoman Peggy Lemons, Vice Mayor Daryl Hofmeyer, Mayor Tom Hansen, Councilwoman Brenda Olmos, and Councilwoman Laurie Guillen; the council hosted the Paramount Military Ball Veterans Celebration. Courtesy photo

On Saturday, Nov. 2, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA-40) took part in the Paramount Military Ball Veterans Celebration, which was held at the Paramount Park Gym. The congresswoman greeted veterans, active duty servicemembers, and their families at the event, and thanked them for all their work and sacrifice to protect America. She provided those in attendance with information on her office’s casework services, which are described at
The congresswoman also thanked the Paramount City Council for hosting this celebration.