2020 Paramount City Council candidates: What is your goal if elected? (200 words maximum)

File art courtesy of Metro Creative Connection

Isabel Aguayo

My goal is to keep Paramount united & moving forward. I intend to do this by being a factual communicator. There are a lot of misconceptions amongst the residents about how the city is run, where money is being spent & of course the concern for the environmental issues are huge in Paramount. Misconceptions come from language barriers that leave residents feeling their voices are not heard. These things create a divide amongst the residents as a result making progress & moving forward difficult. An example of one of these misconceptions deals pollutants. Are there pollutants in our air? Yes. The allegation is that the city has done nothing about these pollutants. In reality the city has taken numerous steps to help combat this issue which is why Paramount received the AQMD’s Model Community Achievement Award meaning Paramount serves as a model for other cities facing similar issues. Paramount deserves the best & I will continue pushing forward being approachable, giving Paramount Residents facts, transparency & being as unbiased as possible in any decision making.


Alfredo Banuelos

My principal intention is to DIRECTLY facilitate the prosperity of ALL diligent Paramount City Residents. I intend to do this by ending the current illegal corporate-pollution, incentivizing new jobs from healthier industries, eliminating unnecessary/predatory restrictions- intended to generate revenue through fines (e.g. public parking and towing), re-evaluate all city contracts, create programs and hubs that promote physical/mental health and intellectual development (e.g. a modern library, fitness and sports facilities), assistance and rehabilitation programs for the disadvantaged (e.g. single-parents, students, felons, addicts, adolescents, the elderly), imposing renter protections from abusive landlords (e.g. rent-control), protecting our immigrant community from ICE and all residents from law enforcement abuses, accelerating the success of local businesses by lowering the sales tax rate and improving our infrastructure, exhibit the genius of local artists in our public spaces, improving local public transportation, introduce new markets, facilitate business ownership (primarily from residents), propel the rate of home ownership through city programs, raise the local minimum wage, foster a culture of community economics by incentivizing locally centered consumption and production- thereby keeping our money continually circulating among Paramount residents, and raise taxes on the polluters.

Please help me help us; March 3rd, vote for your good neighbor- me. ‘Mount-Up!


Luis Bautista

As a concerned Paramount community leader I decided to run for city council because more than ever Paramount needs council members with strong leadership skills that truly care for our all residents.

As a police officer my primary goal is to hire more deputies to better serve our community because crime against our elderly community is on the rise.

Another immediate goal is to plant more trees and provide more green spaces in our city, this will reduce our air pollution crisis and will also prepare us for the future by continuing to beautify and attract more commerce to our area.

I founded the first ever youth non-profit soccer program in Paramount, it has been my privilege to mentor hundreds of at-risk youths to pursue a productive life and seek a quality education. My goal is to provide opportunities to our youth and help them go to college.

As your Councilmember, I will take a stand to provide equal city services for all of Paramount’s residents. I will push for cleaner air, water and enforcements on companies that pollute our community. I will listen to your safety concerns, and continue to mentor future leaders from our community. I would be honored to receive your vote.


Ardavan “Ardi” Davari

I will be focused on an open air and transparent city government and city administration that promotes diversity and inclusion on the Paramount City Council and all appointed city commissions. The City Council members must be more innovative and approachable to the residents they serve. It is time to bring to our commissions more residents from diverse backgrounds and professions that will bring different ideas to the table which will end cronyism in our city government. The residents and voters of Paramount are ready to embrace change at City Hall and throughout the city administration.

Another goal is to schedule City Council meetings after 6 p.m. so that residents who work during the day can attend. Council meetings are for the public. This will increase community participation in our decision-making process and change the climate in the Paramount City Council Chambers. Many residents feel intimidated about the strong presence of L.A. Sheriffs Deputies parked outside Council Chambers during meetings and their presence inside. This is not necessary and keeps residents away from attending Council meetings. We must promote a more friendly and receptive environment at City Hall and keep the law enforcement presence to a minimum during Council meetings.


Jose De Leon

My goal is to clean the air and city council of Paramount. Like so many parents in Paramount, I am deeply concerned about the environmental issues affecting our children and our city. When the AQMD confirmed that indeed we are breathing toxic air, I decided to walk the streets to talk with friends and neighbors in order to organize against the polluters. Our current city council has sold us out to corporate interests and allowed factories to pollute our city for far too long. The integrity of our current Paramount City Council is compromised by corporate and self-interest and it thrives on nepotism and political favoritism. I know that we can do better. My wife and I would like to live in a Paramount where we don’t have to fear that our 12-year-old daughter will develop cancer simply because of the ZIP code in which she lives. We must hold these polluting factories accountable to their workers, to our community, and to our children. Only billionaires owners, who don’t live here, benefit from polluting our neighborhoods. That’s why I am corporate-free. I’m ready to fight for a healthy and clean Paramount.


Allen Gomez

No answer by deadline.

Rebecca Guillen Perez

First and foremost, my goal is to get elected in order to resolve the following issues which are desperately needed in Paramount. I am a lifelong resident, born into a family whose commitment to our community has spanned almost 100 years. My late father, Manuel Guillen, was an elected member of the Paramount City Council-setting the precedent for myself. I will bring balance and accountability to council and with it, an end to the status quo of appointing friends to seats rather than the most qualified candidate. I will bring transparency and once again restore trust within our community. I am an important role in the practice of local environmental and eco sustainability. I will provide environmental leadership by ensuring that the air quality issues are monitored, and new regulations adhered to. I will work with our Public Safety officials to find effective solutions to illegal street racing, the lack of parking and homelessness; all of these potentially having a dramatic effect on our streets and quality of life if not swiftly addressed. I will utilize my community involvement, corporate management experience and input from our most valuable assets-the citizens of Paramount-to bring our city prosperously into the next decade.


Brenda Olmos

When elected I will focus on the issues that are important to Paramount residents public safety, partnerships with our schools and economic development.

I am the only candidate who has been endorsed by State Senator Lena Gonzalez, Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon and Supervisor Janice Hahn. When it comes to partnerships with our schools and bringing good paying jobs to Paramount they know I have the experience and dedication it takes to get the job done.

As a former Public Safety Commissioner, I’ve always supported innovative programs and services that improve quality of life in our neighborhoods. That’s why I am honored to be endorsed by Paramount’s first responders – the women and men of our Fire and Sheriff’s departments.

I have an action plan I call the 3E’s. Educate our residents so that they can take advantage of all the resources the City offers. Once they are educated they will be empowered and this will Enhance their quality of life. I also need to hear their opinions and ideas and Embrace them so that together we can build a better Paramount.

I love our community and would be honored and humbled to earn your vote.


Alvin Parks

If elected as a city council member of Paramount my goals are simple, as per my mission statement. Do what ever I can to keep this very fine city a safe & fun, enjoyable place to live and work. Listen to the resident’s concerns, and do my very best to address their concerns. Do what every I can to help with the homeless issue here. Be concern and respond to all concerns of the residents. I have seen this city change from bad The All American City.  I will keep supporting the city as I have per attend city planned events, & talking up the city. I am proud that we have The Zamboni, Ralph’s Warehouse, Court furniture, Ice rink, the new Metro train coming in Paramount. I am well pleased with all current members of the city council. The city council recognize residents, groups , individuals etc., so last year I gave each city council member a certificate from me as a resident of my appreciation to them. If elected I will do my very best to work with each council member, as well if not elected, I’ll be thankful for the opportunity to run. wishing each candidate the best. God Bless.


Vilma Cuellar Stallings

My goal is to continue bringing community policing to the residents. Crime has dropped thanks to our City’s Public Safety programs and the relationship between Paramount and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. I will continue to spearhead city projects like attractive housing, beautiful parks, tree lined streets, new schools and other public improvements too numerous to mention.

I will honor the trust of the residents that you tax dollars are invested back into the community in way that you can see and feel- the best law enforcement services, senior citizens programs, strong recreational programs for our youth and a safe community

[Editor’s note: At this point the candidate exceeded the word count.]