2020 election questions for our candidates

Courtesy photo

2020 is an election year in Paramount and once again we’re asking candidates to answer a series of questions. To simplify things as much as we can with 13 candidates seeking City Council seats, we are sending all of our candidate questions at the same time by email, by physical mail when a candidate’s email is not available, in the print edition of the Journal and on our website. We’ve emailed 10 candidates. We’ve sent physical letters to the others. We’re also printing public contact information in the paper so voters can send their own questions to candidates as they see fit.

The message we are sending is below:

Dear candidate:

This year the Paramount Journal is asking each of the candidates to provide us with a 100-word biography, a photograph of themselves, and 200-word answers to each of three questions.

Please send the biography, the photo and the answer to at least the first question by Thursday, Jan. 30, to ensure we have your answer in time for publication in our Feb. 6 issue. Our plan is to publish your answers each in February.

The questions are:

1. What is your goal if elected? (Again, the word limit is 200 words maximum.)

2. Do you favor term limits for the Paramount City Council? (Please reply to this question by Thursday, Feb. 6 for publication in our Thursday, Feb. 13 edition. Again, the word limit is 200 words maximum.)

3. How would you address the city’s pension debt? (Please reply to this question by Thursday, Feb. 13 for publication in our Thursday, Feb. 20 edition. Again, the word limit is 200 words maximum.)

Please send your replies to editor2@sunnews.org and CC the messages to ckelly@localnewspapers.org. Physical mail responses to these questions should be sent care of Charles M. Kelly, editor, Paramount Journal at 216 Main St., Seal Beach.